The Pod Called Quest (Prime) is a Pathfinder actual play podcast set in the world of Meridian. Picking up in the midst of the group’s ongoing campaign, the story focuses on a set of thanes from the Republic of Ardon seeking out answers for the death of a dear friend and the rise of a dangerous cult.
New episodes of PCQ Prime release every other Friday on your podcast app of choice.

Isla of Tetra

Oren Gravesbane


Salai Giles

Percival Newcomb


Isil Heilig


Elgaroth Bloodborn

Kilgaeron Igo

Prime Minister Emmeryn LaVoe

Lord Vorel Kuretsnov IV

Sudden Spectral Servitude
Episode 70
After a terrible roll of the dice, the group has to deal with the haunted situation they have found themselves in!

Paternal Poltergeist
Episode 69
The group convenes with the remaining dwarves of Kaglemgrad!

Golden Gear Guardian
Episode 68
The group fights against a mighty mechanical foe in an attempt to help their new acquaintances!

Dead Doors for Desperate Dwarves
Episode 67
The Thanes continue exploring Kaglemgrad and make quite the unexpected discovery!

Municipal Mining Minion Machines
Episode 66
With a few days of rest and preparation under their belts, the Thanes venture back into Kaglemgrad to explore deeper into this mysteriously desolate dwarvish city!

Cityside Stop and Shop
Episode 65
After Kaglemgrad posed a greater danger than expected, the group takes a quick detour via teleportation back to Rygel in order to better prepare themselves for what comes next!

Many-legged Monstrous Momma
Episode 64
With a grip of arachnid foes squashed under their boots, the Thanes must now face down the wrath of an angry queen!

Wealthy Webs
Episode 63
With their journey through the excavator tunnel behind them, the Thanes find themselves inside a massive dwarven mine!

Tunnels and Tentacles
Episode 62
Continuing their journey through this underground excavation, the group meets yet another strange subterranean foe!

Crystalline Cavern Creepers
Episode 61
After discovering a strange dwarven contraption, the Thanes take an unexpected route towards their quarry!