The Pod Called Quest (Prime) is a Pathfinder actual play podcast set in the world of Meridian. Picking up in the midst of the group’s ongoing campaign, the story focuses on a set of thanes from the Republic of Ardon seeking out answers for the death of a dear friend and the rise of a dangerous cult.
New episodes of PCQ Prime release every other Friday on your podcast app of choice.

Isla of Tetra

Oren Gravesbane


Salai Giles

Percival Newcomb


Isil Heilig


Elgaroth Bloodborn

Kilgaeron Igo

Prime Minister Emmeryn LaVoe

Lord Vorel Kuretsnov IV

Dead Dwarves Driving Drills
Episode 60
The Thanes face off against some ancient denizens of the mountains that may or may not be a glimpse into their inevitable demise!

Gigantic Gatekeepers
Episode 59
The Thanes investigate the ruined city of Felkholm and discover remnants of a time long gone!

Lake Lurking Leviathan
Episode 58
The group continues their way north and stumble upon their first bit of dwarvish architecture and even encounter some of the local residents!

Sun Staring Standoff
Episode 57
With Rog Shargot behind them and a new companion in tow, the group heads north on their journey towards Kaglemgrad!

Hidden Highland Heritage
Episode 56
In the rugged landscape of the Northern Moors, the group discovers old bonds and make a few new allies!

A Reunion of Remembrance
Episode 55
The Thanes head to Truceport to remember Isil on the one-year anniversary of his death and then set their sights on a new venture!

Letters and Liturgical Libations
Episode 54
The group continues to utilize their downtime while back home in Rygel before coming together for a special occasion!

A Respite of Research & Retrofit Robotics
Episode 53
The individual thanes begin taking care of personal matters now that they are finally able to settle into being back in Ardon!

A Return to Rygel
Episode 52
After many goodbyes and with a long quest behind them, the Thanes return home to discover what has happened in Ardon since they departed so many months ago!

Reconciling Recent Revelations
Episode 51
With one final task to check off their list, the group travels back to Al Qasar for a reunion!