The Pod Called Quest (Prime) is a Pathfinder actual play podcast set in the world of Meridian. Picking up in the midst of the group’s ongoing campaign, the story focuses on a set of thanes from the Republic of Ardon seeking out answers for the death of a dear friend and the rise of a dangerous cult.
New episodes of PCQ Prime release every other Friday on your podcast app of choice.

Isla of Tetra

Oren Gravesbane


Salai Giles

Percival Newcomb


Isil Heilig


Elgaroth Bloodborn

Kilgaeron Igo

Prime Minister Emmeryn LaVoe

Lord Vorel Kuretsnov IV

Gateway Grudge-Match Part 2
Episode 34
Time is up, critical mass has been reached, and our heroes stand at the brink of a long-awaited and climactic altercation!

Truncated Timetables
Episode 33
Racing against the clock, the party must hurry through the foreign halls of the Waystation to stop their foes and save their friend!

Runic Riddles
Episode 32
On the eve of the winter solstice and at the front door of the Acropolis, the party must set aside what they think they know in order to continue towards their goal!

Feathered Flying Family Foes
Episode 31
With Skelli in the clutches of an avian foe, the party must hurry to liberate him and continue on their way towards the Acropolis!

Steep Stairs & Songs to Share
Episode 30
With only days left before the winter solstice, the party must pick up the pace in order to reach the Acropolis in time!

Humanoid Hyena Hunters
Episode 29
The party falls prey to a bit of bad luck while continuing their journey south towards the Acropolis!

Explosive Escapades
Episode 28
With enemies at their doorstep, the party must decide to cut their losses and run or stand and fight for their lives!

Courtly Confrontations
Episode 27
After discovering some unnerving information, the party is thrust into a difficult situation!

A Revelatory Respite
Episode 26
Arriving in the city of Doab, the party rests up, enjoys some of the local culture, and takes a peek behind the curtain!

Sandstorm Setbacks
Episode 25
Back on the road, the party has a run-in with some inclement weather that's actively impeding their travel!