The Pod Called Quest (Prime) is a Pathfinder actual play podcast set in the world of Meridian. Picking up in the midst of the group’s ongoing campaign, the story focuses on a set of thanes from the Republic of Ardon seeking out answers for the death of a dear friend and the rise of a dangerous cult.
New episodes of PCQ Prime release every other Friday on your podcast app of choice.

Isla of Tetra

Oren Gravesbane


Salai Giles

Percival Newcomb


Isil Heilig


Elgaroth Bloodborn

Kilgaeron Igo

Prime Minister Emmeryn LaVoe

Lord Vorel Kuretsnov IV

Mortuary Mirror Mess
Episode 24
With the beast in the forest defeated, the party returns to the Ossuary for an unexpected exchange!

Groves, Graves, and Goddess Worship
Episode 23
With the Empyreal Plateau behind them, the party visits an interestingly decorated locale and investigate the disappearances of some of its residents!

Peculiar Perspectives
Episode 22
Landing themselves in a precarious situation, the party must worm their way out of it or reconsider what they know to be true!

Of Crisis and Consequence
Episode 21
Dealt a horrible blow, the party must finish the fight with the ankheg queen and come to grips with the aftermath!

A Regent’s Wrath
Episode 20
With Uzar reeling from an onslaught of ankhegs, the group must hold their ground and do battle with a horrifying foe!

Faculty Feuds
Episode 19
The party makes a pit stop in Uzar and learns there may be more to gain than just a place to rest!

Monsters Munching Miniature Merchants
Episode 18
With new alliances on shaky ground, the party must hit the road to pursue their foes!

A Study in Skill & Spontaneity
Episode 17
With Isla alone and face to face with the enemy, the party must think on their feet!

Wealth, Whiskey, & Wish Fulfillment
Episode 16
United in their goals, the party travels to the city of Al Qasar where things are not at all what they expected!

Departures & Destinations
Episode 15
With the party finally back on familiar ground, they must choose where their allegiances lie and where to go next!