The Pod Called Quest (Prime) is a Pathfinder actual play podcast set in the world of Meridian. Picking up in the midst of the group’s ongoing campaign, the story focuses on a set of thanes from the Republic of Ardon seeking out answers for the death of a dear friend and the rise of a dangerous cult.
New episodes of PCQ Prime release every other Friday on your podcast app of choice.

Isla of Tetra

Oren Gravesbane


Salai Giles

Percival Newcomb


Isil Heilig


Elgaroth Bloodborn

Kilgaeron Igo

Prime Minister Emmeryn LaVoe

Lord Vorel Kuretsnov IV

Lamented Leadership
Episode 14
With the party finally back on familiar ground, they must choose where their allegiances lie and where to go next!

Gateway Grudge-Match
Episode 13
After stumbling upon some unexpected acquaintances, the group makes a stand to try and get home.

Municipal Monstrosities
Episode 12
With a new and mysterious ally by their side, the party ventures into dangerous territory hoping to find their lost friend and, if they're lucky, a way home!

Planar Portents
Episode 11
With the party separated from Salai, they must navigate a strange realm with even stranger occupants!

The Hooded Harbinger
Episode 10
The group faces a powerful foe and attempt to cope with dire circumstances!

Visions of the Void
Episode 9
The party is separated and struggles to get a grip on the situation!

Conspicuous Conversations
Episode 8
With Thalacos back at their side, the party hunts for answers and stumbles upon an ally.

Fire Fanatics
Episode 7
The party falls under fire and must decide what to do and who to trust!

Hidden Signs & High Society
Episode 6
After a night in the sewers, the party decides to adopt the rich life and investigate the Parapets, a region filled with Aramazdar's wealthiest elite!

Putrid Politics
Episode 5
The party fights to save Ae from a strange creature that makes its home in the Qartheen sewers!